The Jorgensen Forge Early Action Area (EAA) site was located on the east side of the Lower Duwamish Waterway in Seattle, WA. The site was a CERCLA mandated Superfund site. Removal Action Work Plan (RAWP) was prepared for and accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Removed more than 12,000 CY TSCA below 50 ppm PCB sediment and 500 CY of TSCA greater than 50 ppm PCB sediment. Placed 10,000 CY of sand cap backfill GAC cap and 7,000 tons of shoreline containment material. Dredged material was offloaded at PPM’s transloading facility and transport for upland disposal at an approved Subtitle D disposal facility. More than 3,000 CY of Sub-tidal D material was excavated from the bank, transported and disposed. Water management and continuous treatment of dredge water was an important element of this project. More than 11,870 tons of backfill material was placed in various locations. Approximately 3,650 square yards of shoreline containment material was placed in various locations. Rip rap was excavated, stockpiled, and replaced. In-water work was performed during limited work windows under all permit requirements.
Contamination at the site is the result of heavy industrial use since the 1940’s, and contaminated groundwater migrating onto the property from off-site sources.
In the soil, contaminants of concern are:
•Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
•Petroleum hydrocarbonsVolatile organic compounds (VOCs)
•Halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs)
•Metals (including arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and lead)
In the groundwater, contaminants of concern are:
•Petroleum hydrocarbons
•Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
•Halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) – vinyl chlorideMetals