Project Detail
The City of Valdez New Harbor Development is a multi-year, phased project that will provide new harbor facilities and parking, increased vessel moorage, a drive down float facility, and utilities and support services. In a separate project, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in partnership with the City, is currently constructing the harbor breakwaters and basin dredging, which is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2017. The City completed Phase 1 in 2016, which included the development of the uplands excavation and fill the area, access ways, curbing, gangway abutments, storm drain system, utility mains, high-mast lighting, and boardwalks. This Contract is Phase 2 and the Scope of Work includes the Upland Facilities (Schedule A) and the Inner Harbor facilities (Schedule B) as described below:
Schedule A: Upland Facilities: a pre-engineered metal building that will serve as a harbor warehouse building including restroom/shower and laundry facilities, a separate Contractor-designed or pre-engineered East Restroom building, a bilge water treatment facility and building, and picnic area canopies. All building facilities have nearby utility services and will include full water, wastewater, HVAC, power, and lighting services.
Schedule B: Inner Harbor Facilities: approximately 50,000 cy of in-water rock and sediment removal, a 320-ft long sediment containment berm, approximately 51,100 SF moorage float system and associated 191 pilings (driven and socketed), 3 gangway ramps, a 90’ x 90’ drive down float and 17’ x 144’ transfer bridge and associated socketed and tensioned piling and concrete abutment, as well as power/lighting, water, dry fire suppression, sewer pump out, and bilge water pump-out services to the floats.