Kingston Timber Pile Removal and Replacement

Project Overview

The Timber Pile Removal and Replacement project involved the removal and replacement of timber at the Kingston Marina. 56 pile were removed throughout the marina at depths between -6ft to -14-ft MLLW. Of the 40 pile that were replaced, 30 were 12-in dia. and 10 were 20-in dia. Pile was replaced with 12-in steel pipe pile. The 16 extracted-only pile was located adjacent to the fuel dock and transient moorage slips.

Marina remained in operation during construction activities. Careful maneuvering was required to access the required pile locations due to the confined area. Pile was extracted and installed using a vibratory hammer. Pile holes were filled with clean sand to prevent creosote leaching into the substrate.

20lb zinc anodes were installed by divers for cathodic protection of the new steel pile.


Project Highlights

In-water work extended approximately +10-ft to -18-ft MLLW along 1,300 LF of shoreline adjacent to the passenger-only ferry terminal neighboring the Port’s marina.

Highlighted Projects