The Don Morse Memorial Park is located on the shoreline of Lake Chelan, just above the Lake Chelan Dam in the town of Chelan. The elevation of the lake varies depending upon the time of the year. Specifically, the Chelan County PUD, who operates the Lake Chelan Dam, is required to maintain a lake elevation of between 1,098 feet and 1,100 feet between June 30 and September 30 of each year. After September 30, a gradual drawdown begins until the lake reaches its lowest point sometime around April of each year (typically around 1,086 feet).
The park is approximately 40 acres in size and contains approximately 1,750-ft of shoreline along Lake Chelan, most of which is hardened with concrete bulkheads. The Lakeshore Marina, which contains 66 slips, is located at the southern end of the park. An approximate four-foot-high concrete bulkhead is located along approximately two-thirds of the park’s shoreline. The bulkhead at the park defines much of the edge between the lake and upland area. The top elevation of the bulkhead varies between 1,103 and 1,104-ft. The bulkhead leans slightly toward the water and is being undermined in numerous locations by wave action.
The project had to be constructed in phases. Phase 1 work for the Don Morse Park Improvement Project consisted of the installation of a unique, pile-supported breakwater to protect the marina. The fixed breakwater was constructed along the northwestern edge of the marina, approximately 150-ft from the existing breakwater (which was removed).
Fixed breakwater called for the installation of plumb W14x99# and W14x61# steel beams galvanized to specified lengths with cold form S80 galvanized sheet pile mechanically attached horizontally to the face braced by 12.75-in dia. x .375t batter pipe pile galvanized to specified lengths and 16-in x .500t top rail.
Project Highlights
Pile driving was performed using a 110-ton Hylab crawler crane and APE 150 Vibratory Hammer w/ Caisson Clamp. A D-8-42 Diesel Impact Hammer was used to proof the pile. The Engineer/Architect for the project was: J.A. Brennan and Associates. Reid Middleton was engaged to oversee structural items of the fixed breakwater.