Project Detail
Project involved removal and salvage of existing Class “B” armor rock along the existing fill area to modify the existing armor rock slope protection to enlarge the footprint including the construction of new sections to accommodate the installation of the 54,000 SF bulkhead dock structure with associated fender systems, access catwalk, upland staging, and access areas, and other related features. Includes breasting dolphin; mooring dolphin; each supported by 30-in pile, installation of an open cell sheet pile bulkhead comprised of approximately 935 sheets and backfilled with 73,600 CY of material; concrete pads; face beam; 50-ton bollards; five (5) fender systems along the dock face and one (1) on the breasting dolphin, each requiring two (2) steel pin piles; catwalk; and miscellaneous structural metals and composite materials. Dock structure supported by twenty (20) 30-in steel pile.